EP 42: What’s a Fractional CFO?

Guest Michael Stier discusses the benefits of a fractional CFO (and fractional other titles for that matter) that can help you propel your business forward without having to add someone to your staff full time.
In this episode we dive into the power of having someone like a fractional CFO (and fractional other titles for that matter) that can help you propel your business forward. Guest Michael Stier is an area President for FocusCFO of the Carolinas. FocusCFO is the leading onsite CFO services provider in the Southeast and Midwest, with over 125 professionals providing world-class fractional CFO support.
Show highlights include:
- How to hire an executive level person to your team when your business isn’t big enough to afford a full time position for this (2:10)
- Why putting out fires every day in your company makes it impossible to work on your business so it grows (8:53)
- The one question you must answer if you want to sell your business someday (11:48)
- Here’s how to tell if your business is ready for a fractional CFO or not (15:27)
- Why a CFO makes getting bank loans or third-party investments a breeze (15:49)
- How connecting with a mentor lets you benefit from their biggest money-eating mistakes without making them yourself (21:41)
If you’d like to connect with Michael and discover if a fractional CFO can help your business grow, you can find more info on their website at: https://focuscfo.com/project/michael-stier/
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