Ep 141: The Flip Side

Any business owner in this industry has struggled to build a good team, to scale, or to step away from the daily grind. Today, a familiar voice joins us to share his personal struggles through his seemingly meteoric rise through the ranks as a young...
Any business owner in this industry has struggled to build a good team, to scale, or to step away from the daily grind. Today, a familiar voice joins us to share his personal struggles through his seemingly meteoric rise through the ranks as a young builder. Nick Schiffer of NS Builders breaks down where he’s chosen to invest, the pushback he’s received, and how he’s choosing to focus his energies moving forward.
Show highlights include:
2:00 You can love and hate what you do
3:10 Having a fourth child
7:00 How does perfection fit into scaling a business?
13:45 Innovation can make slow progress
18:40 The struggle to focus on one thing at a time
24:07 Risky business transitions
27:30 Reflecting during times of struggle
31:50 Where to invest for the biggest impact
34:00 Learning from a bad hiring mistake
37:15 Investing and building an A Team takes a lot of work
42:00 How to scale when your team isn’t behind you
45:45 It’s hard to stay in your own lane
48:15 To focus or not to focus?
51:00 What’s coming up next and how to get in touch
You can learn more about Nick at https://www.nickschiffer.com/.
Social media:
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickschiffer/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nickschiffer/
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/NSBuildersLLC
Or hit us up through our Contact Page at https://buildernuggets.com and we’ll make a personal introduction.
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