Ep 138: Live Your Values

Rewarding is the word often used to describe a career in the residential construction industry. Today’s guest once struggled to love her job until she transitioned to a career as a home builder. Now a founder and CEO of Garman Homes, Alaina...
Rewarding is the word often used to describe a career in the residential construction industry. Today’s guest once struggled to love her job until she transitioned to a career as a home builder. Now a founder and CEO of Garman Homes, Alaina Money-Garman joins us to share how she worked her way through the ranks and helped build a company she can be proud of. Her company’s values and their community outreach tell the story of how every home builder and remodeler can choose a path that brings fulfillment to not only the team, but to those less fortunate.
Show highlights include:
2:35 Life outside of work
3:20 Getting started in the industry - switching careers
6:10 How Garman Homes began
8:20 The 4 Garman Differences and why they matter
15:08 How did you grow a large team?
21:21 How do you guarantee a closing date?
25:35 How has Garman changed through the years?
27:45 Getting the business on track with changing leadership
32:45 Support groups, mentors, collaborators, inspirations
35:15 How a homebuilder can give back to the community
43:25 What’s coming up next and how to get in touch
You can learn more about Alaina at https://www.garmanhomes.com/.
Social media:
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/alaina-money-garman-51388426/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/alainamoneygarman
Or hit us up through our Contact Page at https://buildernuggets.com and we’ll make a personal introduction.
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