EP 13: Vision, Traction, Healthy with David Hickman

If you want to get more traction with your business, in your life, with your team… this episode is going to get you started. Our guest is David Hickman, founder and CEO of Traction Partners.
You have systems and processes for how you build your houses but do you have a road map or manual for how to run your business? Learn the simple, proven format to get everyone behind your mission.
EOS & Traction can be the language of your business.
David Hickman is a lifetime entrepreneur who gained experience in the family business and, let’s just say, became aware of the challenges associated with that. He is passionate about your success. He’s worked with us in our businesses, and he understands builders.
Business Coach and Traction Implementer David Hickman, Founder and CEO of Traction Partners an EOS Implementation company.
Show highlights include:
- The “Entrepreneurial Operating System” that rapidly scales your construction business with less headaches, hiccups, and setbacks (6:07)
- The “L10 Meeting Approach” that erases all your time-draining meetings from your calendar (without sacrificing anything important) (10:12)
- No more meetings for the sake of meetings (10:22)
- How to put your organizational chart on steroids so you know every team members expertise and limitations with crystal clear certainty (13:12)
- The “5 roles method” that stops your team members’ egos from running rampant when they’re given a powerful job title (17:51)
- Hate managing your employees? Here’s how to get them to effectively self-manage (23:46)
- Why core values are your best tools for hiring the right people (28:21)
If you’d like to learn more about the traction system, David will send you a free book if you go to http://yourtractionpartners.com. Or you can send him an email at tractionpartners@gmail.com.
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Connect directly with Duane and Dave to ask a question, post a comment, share an idea or to schedule a confidential discussion about your business by visiting our contact page.