Ep 112: Thinking Different

Pre-qualifying leads can be like unraveling a mystery, yet so many business owners skip this defining step in a successful process. Don’t waste your time, instead invest in discovering everything you need to know before you begin. David Lupberger...
Pre-qualifying leads can be like unraveling a mystery, yet so many business owners skip this defining step in a successful process. Don’t waste your time, instead invest in discovering everything you need to know before you begin. David Lupberger returns to the show to help us understand how to think differently. It starts by being a trusted advisor, educating your client, and ensuring their values align with your company’s. Today we go beyond the basics and into the specifics for how to help your company stand out against the competition.
Show highlights include:
- 3:51 (8) questions to help you eliminate unqualified leads
- 7:15 You must sincerely listen to the prospective client. Be a trusted advisor and STOP SELLING
- 15:27 The best jobs sometimes are the ones you don’t get
- 17:40 The vast majority of client complaints are not about the product but about the experience
- 22:43 You need to let them know you are vested in their project
- 32:10 Structured meetings with the client are very important. It can't just be on a whim and unscheduled
- 36:15 You need to have exceptional and efficient communications
- 39:26 Whatever positive message around culture and core values you try to deliver to your clients you should also be delivering to your team
- 42:13 It’s important to understand what motivates your team
You can learn more about David at https://www.remodelforce.com and
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