Upbeat at IBS 2022

Nick Schiffer and Duane Johns toast to the success of IBS2022
This past year has been fun for us at Builder Nuggets. In a topsy turvy world the message that we have been able to promote every week is one of true collaboration. Our guests have consistently delivered content for growth minded individuals and have done it in a positive and upbeat way.
Upbeat is a perfect way to describe the vibe at the International Builders Show (IBS) last week in Orlando, Florida. Builder Nuggets had a booth at the show and Dave and I enjoyed interacting with attendees and past show guests each and every day. Attendance was up and the excitement level was high. The construction industry is doing very well and the strong show of support at the show was a very welcome sight. I spoke with a show director from the Orange County Convention Center and he said this was the biggest and best show they have had there in over 2 years.
We had a chance to interview over a dozen past guests and show attendees at our booth. It was fun to hear their perspectives as attendees and also share some nuggets with our listeners. We plan to release the video interviews over the coming weeks so stay tuned.
The NAHB, IBS & KBIS put on a great event but the exhibitors and attendees were the true stars here. Thanks to everyone that was involved for collaborating at a high level and promoting our industry so well. We should all be proud.